Thursday, May 24, 2012

Important Announcement! {Teresa's PhotoWorks | Springfield, MO Family Photographer}

I am headed to Alabama around the first of August for the birth of a long time client. I am booking sessions for this trip. If you are in Alabama (or on the way there) or know someone that is, give me a ring. I'd love to get you on the books!

And because you can't have a post without a photo, here is one of Miss Aubrey :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Crave Photography Mentoring Giveaway!

I would LOVE to win this all expense paid trip to Utah to do a 1on1 mentoring session with Crave Photography. Isn't her work amazing?

Cross your fingers for me!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Kaden is 1! {Teresa's PhotoWorks | Toddler Photographer in Springfield, MO}

I had  the pleasure of photographing this sweet little family at my studio for Kaden's first birthday. We were able to get some family shots in as well as his cake smash. Overall, a great session!